TLP Applications DUE 8/23: 2021 Application Overview

July 28, 2021

Thank you for your interest in the Urban Core Collective’s Transformational Leaders Program (TLP), a unique training program designed to advance a pipeline of leaders of color within Grand Rapids. The program’s objective is to help emerging and existing difference-makers develop the hard and soft skills needed to promote racial equity. TLP leaders are radically changing the landscape of community as influencers in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, as well as in grassroots movements, civic and voluntary board service and as residents of metro Grand Rapids. 

All applications will be available on our website starting Monday, August 2nd and due Monday, August 23 by 5pm. None of the electronic application forms may be saved and all must be completed in one session. This overview of application materials is designed to help you best prepare. If you have any questions regarding the application process or the program itself, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Important Dates

All application components must be completed and submitted by Monday, August 23, 2021 by 5pm

Virtual and/or in-person interviews are on Friday, September 17th.

Final decision notifications will take place on Wednesday, September 22nd.

Application Components

1) Application (specific questions listed below). Find the full application here:

2) Recommendation Form: One individual that can describe your community involvement, leadership potential and professionalism must submit a recommendation form on your behalf. You will be asked to identify who your reference is and provide their contact information on your application. Access the recommendation form at this link:

3) Employer/Business Partner Support Form (if applicable): It is expected that all applicants discuss the program and the time requirements with their employer or business partner at the time of application. Information about session dates and expectations for participation is provided within the support form. If this form is not applicable to you, please complete the form yourself by marking "not applicable" in response to the last question on the form. This support form is here:

4) Spouse/Partner Support Form (if applicable): It is expected that all applicants discuss the program and the time requirements with their spouse/partner at the time of application. Information about session dates and expectations for participation is provided within the support form. If this form is not applicable to you, please complete the form yourself by marking "not applicable" in response to the last question on the form. This form can be found here:

*Each candidate is responsible for sharing the appropriate forms with their references, employer/business partner and partner/spouse, as applicable. Please note that none of the forms may be saved: all must be completed in one session.*

Application Form Questions

Program Participation

All TLP sessions are from 1-4pm at various locations within Grand Rapids - with the exception of orientation, which will take place from 11am-5pm. The application will ask you to review session dates and indicate your availability. If you have a conflict you already know about, you are still encouraged to apply. However, we would like to be made aware so that we may consider making special arrangements as needed.

2021 - 2022 TLP Session Dates and Topics

Applicant Contact Information

1. First Name

2. Last Name

3. Preferred Pronouns

4. Address

5. Phone Number

6. Email Address

7. How did you hear about the program?


1. Date of Birth

2. Race/ethnicity

3. Gender

4. Sexual orientation (optional)

4. Disability status (optional)

5. Personality type

6. If selected for an interview, what language would you prefer to interview in?

7. Dietary restrictions


List schools attended, including high schools, colleges, short courses, and continuing education. Please specify the 1) Name of the institution, 2) Attendance dates, 3) Graduation date, 4) Degree and 5) Certification. For example, "Grand Valley State University: 2002-2006, May 2006, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology".

Employment Information

1. Are you self-employed?

2. Occupation/Title

3. Employer Name

4. Business/Organization Address

5. Business/Organization Phone Number

6. Please describe your current employment, including the overall purpose of the organization and your key responsibilities.

7. Attach your resume OR list the past five years of employment. Include your 1) Job title, 2) Dates of employment and 3) Where you were employed. For example, "School Social Worker: 2014-2017, Grand Rapids Public Schools".

Community Involvement

1. On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest, please rate the following: the strength of your professional network, your connectedness to community and your current knowledge of racial equity and disparities

2. Indicate your membership in organizations (paid or volunteer). Provide the title of any leadership positions you held within the organization. List the a) Name of the organization, b) Committees, and c) Position, if applicable. If you do not have any organizational membership experience, please type N/A.

3. Indicate any informal projects or work in the past 3 years in which you have taken a leadership role. List the a) Name/description of the project and b) Your leadership role on the project.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do you want to grow as a leader? 

2. If selected, how do you plan to use the knowledge, skills, and experience you will gain from the Urban Core Collective's Transformational Leaders Program?

3. Discuss an issue related to racial equity in Grand Rapids that you are involved in addressing. If none, describe an issue related to racial equity you are interested in addressing, including any knowledge of organizations currently working in that area.

Video Response

As part of your application we ask that you submit a video response to one of the prompts below. During one of the final TLP sessions, we will ask cohort members to participate in a video to capture their growth since participating in TLP. UCC may use your video for TLP promotion and marketing in the future. We strongly encourage applicants to submit a video, but it is NOT required.

If you choose this option, we'll ask you to upload a 60-second video of yourself responding to one of the following questions: "At this stage in your life, how do you want to grow as a leader?" OR "What led you to apply to TLP?" If you experience difficulties uploading the video as part of the application form, please email your video to

Recommendation Form

At least one individual that can describe your community involvement, leadership potential and professionalism must submit a recommendation form on your behalf. You will be asked to identify who your reference will be and provide their name, email and relationship to you on your application.

Share the recommendation form via this link: Form questions listed below.

Applicant Information

First and last name of TLP applicant.

Reference Contact Information

1. Name

2. Address

3. Phone Number

4. Email Address

5. Current Occupation (Position/Title, Organization)

About the Applicant

1. Please describe the nature of your relationship with the applicant (for example, colleague, supervisor, mentor, etc.)

2. How long have you known the applicant? (for example, 3 years, 4 months, etc.) 

3. How well do you know the applicant?

4. Please rate the applicant for each of the following characteristics. Select the rating that you feel best describes the applicant in each category. Select "Not Observed" if you have no basis for assessment for a specific characteristic.

     Leadership: Takes initiative and motivates others.

     Ethics: Displays honesty, integrity, and ethical behaviors.

     Reliability: Dependable, responsible, prompt, and thorough.

     Judgment: Displays critical thinking skills, common sense, and decisiveness.

     Interpersonal Relations: Considerate, sensitive, tactful in response to others, and able to get along well with peers and superiors.

     Cultural Awareness: Recognizes different cultural attributes and is willing to engage.

     Community Engagement: Is actively involved in his or her community through activism, volunteering, board or committee involvement, etc.

     Racial Equity: Regularly seeks to learn about the underlying causes, realities, and solutions to current racial disparities.


1. Recommendation concerning program admission (rate from highly recommend to do not recommend).

2. Is there anything else you would like to share about this applicant and/or their potential admission into the Transformational Leaders Program?

Employer/Business Partner Support Form

It is expected that all applicants discuss the program and the time requirements with their employer or business partner at the time of application. Information about session dates and expectations for participation is provided in the support form. 

Please share the employer support form with your employer or business partner. If this form is not applicable to you, please complete the form yourself by marking "not applicable" in response to the last question on the form.

Access the employer/business partner support form at:


Partner/Spouse Support Form

It is expected that all applicants discuss the program and the time requirements with their spouse/partner at the time of application. Information about session dates and expectations for participation is provided in the support form. 

Please share the partner/spouse support form with your partner or spouse. If this form is not applicable to you, please complete the form yourself by marking "not applicable" in response to the last question on the form.

Access the partner/spousal form at:

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